8 research outputs found

    New technique of producing removable complete denture using rapid tooling approach

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    This thesis presents the development of a new approach for denture fabrication process by implementing the techniques used in the advanced manufacturing technology involving Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Rapid Tooling (RT) process. A 3D-ATOS scanning system was used to obtain the surface data of the edentulous model, occlusion rims of the patient and the teeth set received from the dental clinic. The scanned surface was refined using the Geomagic Studio 10 and then converted to IGES format for CAD application. A SolidWork version 2010 was used for designing reference lines, imaginary plane and setup curves to the 3D images of the scanned components. This was used as a reference for denture assembly in which, the design were followed to the occlusion and teeth arrangement principles and the data would then be stored in a CAD library for future design. Then maxilla anterior, maxilla posterior and mandible anterior teeth were assembled one by one while mandible posterior teeth were assembled by collision detection. Chewing detection was also conducted to check the contact region between upper and lower teeth by using interference detection technique. Then, new freeform surfaces were created for gingival and base plate. The complete dentures design were converted to STL format for production of master pattern using the Multi Jet Modelling (MJM) machine, one of the rapid prototyping (RP) technique. The pattern was used in the silicon rubber mould for vacuum casting process. Cold cure acrylic resin (VERTEX, Castavaria) was used as the denture material and casted in the silicone mould. Different degassing times were studied to reduce porosity dentures parts. Then, the final dentures were polished and tested on edentulous model to test the bite and adaptability. The finished denture was tested on patient edentulous to ensure the adaptability and comfortability. The result for the denture was found to be satisfactory and has good accuracy. While, from mechanical properties result was found the cold cure material which produced from the vacuum casting process ha

    Influence of Recycled Glass Ceramic Waste on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Foamed Concrete (FC)

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    Glass ceramic waste (GCW) has been left unrecycled due to the challenges it causes. The primary purpose of this research is to find the optimal GCW composition as a quartz sand additive for Foamed Concrete-based Glass Ceramic Waste (FC-GCW) which will reduce the amount of unrecycled GCW that ends up in landfills while producing a sustainable product. The samples were prepared by grinding the GCW and mixing varying percentages of GCW (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30%) with a consistent quantity of cement, quartz sand, water, and foam. Physical and mechanical tests were performed on the samples. During physical tests, the density increased as the GCW percentage increased, but water absorption and porosity decreased. 20% FC-GCW had appropriate density, water absorption, and porosity values of 0.887 g/cm3, 22.6 %, and 88.9%, respectively, which demonstrated that the material is lightweight and porous. For mechanical testing, it was discovered that FC-GCW with 20% GCW addition had the highest average compressive strength of 0.94 MPa and 2.01 MPa for 7 and 28 days, respectively. This research's contribution can be applied to areas where low densities are preferred and low compressive strength is required, such as replacing existing soil to balance foundations, profiling positive slope to drains of flat concrete roofs, lightweight raft foundation in housing construction, trench reinstatement, soil stabilization by backfill of embankments, floor levelling, blinding concrete for thermal insulation purposes, pipefilling, lightweight foundations, and trench reinstatement

    Influence of Recycled Glass Ceramic Waste on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Foamed Concrete (FC)

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    Glass ceramic waste (GCW) has been left unrecycled due to the challenges it causes. The primary purpose of this research is to find the optimal GCW composition as a quartz sand additive for Foamed Concrete-based Glass Ceramic Waste (FC-GCW) which will reduce the amount of unrecycled GCW that ends up in landfills while producing a sustainable product. The samples were prepared by grinding the GCW and mixing varying percentages of GCW (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30%) with a consistent quantity of cement, quartz sand, water, and foam. Physical and mechanical tests were performed on the samples. During physical tests, the density increased as the GCW percentage increased, but water absorption and porosity decreased. 20% FC-GCW had appropriate density, water absorption, and porosity values of 0.887 g/cm3, 22.6 %, and 88.9%, respectively, which demonstrated that the material is lightweight and porous. For mechanical testing, it was discovered that FC-GCW with 20% GCW addition had the highest average compressive strength of 0.94 MPa and 2.01 MPa for 7 and 28 days, respectively. This research's contribution can be applied to areas where low densities are preferred and low compressive strength is required, such as replacing existing soil to balance foundations, profiling positive slope to drains of flat concrete roofs, lightweight raft foundation in housing construction, trench reinstatement, soil stabilization by backfill of embankments, floor levelling, blinding concrete for thermal insulation purposes, pipefilling, lightweight foundations, and trench reinstatement

    Acoustic Properties of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) based on Gypsum-Ceramic Waste (GCW)

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    Noise pollution and municipal solid waste (MSW) are two ongoing issues for inhabitants of urban due to the growth development. We need to manage of MSW such as gypsum and ceramic waste properly to solve environment and acoustic issues. To our knowledge, the gypsum and ceramic waste (GCW) are rich in silica and calcium oxide and have been recognized and approved to have a good building material such as lightweight concrete and also have a good sound insulation material. Meanwhile, autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) is one of the lightweight concrete family members and the major chemical composition is silica, calcium oxide and small amount of iron and aluminum. Due to the similarities of major chemical composition between AAC and GCW, it was interesting to study the acoustic properties of AAC based on GCW as an alternative natural source for partial fine aggregate replacement. The objective of this work was to determine the performance of the acoustic properties of AAC based on GCW in addition to reduce the negative effect of GCW on the environment. The AAC with different composition of GCW (5%, 10%, and 15%wt) has been prepared according to ASTM C1693-09. The compressive strength was in range of 5.08 to 7.10MPa. The sound absorption of all samples has been carried out at range of 350Hz to 2000Hz according to ASTM E1050. The results found that AAC-GCW performed well in terms of sound absorbance but in different frequency range. The sound absorption coefficient was around 0.77 to 0.88 at 1050 – 1350Hz. Our results indicated the GCW can use as an alternative natural source for partial fine aggregate replacement on AAC and has improved the acoustic properties of AAC samples. The best sound absorption coefficient was showed by AAC with 10% wt of GCW i.e 0.88. Generally, AAC-GCW samples have higher sound absorbance coefficient compare to previous studies and suitable for wall application such as partition walls, party walls, and especially for sound insulation material

    Alat pemungut tandan kelapa sawit darjah kebebasan

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    Kelapa sawit merupakan tanaman yang menyumbang kepada industri penghasilan minyak di dunia seperti minyak masak, minyak industri, dan minyak bahan bakar (biodiesal). Pulangan dari sektor pertanian khususnya kelapa sawit sangat menguntungkan. Kini ramai petani telah bertukar ke tanaman kelapa sawit. Indonesia merupakan pengeluar minyak kelapa sawit terbesar di dunia [1]. Dengan terdapatnya pembukaan ladang sawit secara besar-besaran maka banyaklah syarikat-syarikat pertanian mula mencipta alat atau mesin yang baik untuk mencepatkan proses memetik dan mengeluarkan sawit dari ladang. Namun alatan yang lebih mesra pengguna dilihat tidak dipandang serius. Atas isu ini timbul idea mencipta alat pemungut tandan kelapa sawit darjah kebebasan. Semua sedia maklum untuk mengeluarkan sawit dari ladang perlunya meletakan tandan sawit ke dalam kereta sorong terlebih dahulu.Untuk meletakan sawit ke dalam kereta sorong T-shape palm fruit shank diperlukan. Pekebun akan mengangkat sawit yang telah dipetik dari pokok menggunakan alatan tersebut.Tanpa disedari alatan ini membahayakan pekebun dan membebankan. Pekebun memerlukan tenaga yang banyak untuk mengangkat tandan sawit yang amat berat ke dalam kereta sorong. Selain itu, mengangkat bebanan yang berat dalam kuantiti yang banyak menyebabkan sakit dibahagian tulang belakang pekebun. Di samping itu, mata alat yang tajam dan terdedah meningkatkan risiko kecederaan pekebun. Duri pada buah sawit juga bahaya pada pekebun

    Acoustic Properties of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) based on Gypsum-Ceramic Waste (GCW)

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    Noise pollution and municipal solid waste (MSW) are two ongoing issues for inhabitants of urban due to the growth development. We need to manage of MSW such as gypsum and ceramic waste properly to solve environment and acoustic issues. To our knowledge, the gypsum and ceramic waste (GCW) are rich in silica and calcium oxide and have been recognized and approved to have a good building material such as lightweight concrete and also have a good sound insulation material. Meanwhile, autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) is one of the lightweight concrete family members and the major chemical composition is silica, calcium oxide and small amount of iron and aluminum. Due to the similarities of major chemical composition between AAC and GCW, it was interesting to study the acoustic properties of AAC based on GCW as an alternative natural source for partial fine aggregate replacement. The objective of this work was to determine the performance of the acoustic properties of AAC based on GCW in addition to reduce the negative effect of GCW on the environment. The AAC with different composition of GCW (5%, 10%, and 15%wt) has been prepared according to ASTM C1693-09. The compressive strength was in range of 5.08 to 7.10MPa. The sound absorption of all samples has been carried out at range of 350Hz to 2000Hz according to ASTM E1050. The results found that AAC-GCW performed well in terms of sound absorbance but in different frequency range. The sound absorption coefficient was around 0.77 to 0.88 at 1050 – 1350Hz. Our results indicated the GCW can use as an alternative natural source for partial fine aggregate replacement on AAC and has improved the acoustic properties of AAC samples. The best sound absorption coefficient was showed by AAC with 10% wt of GCW i.e 0.88. Generally, AAC-GCW samples have higher sound absorbance coefficient compare to previous studies and suitable for wall application such as partition walls, party walls, and especially for sound insulation material

    Development of an Innovative Mango's Wrapper Tool

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    This paper presenting a new design and development of an innovative and user-friendly tool by using mechanism of compression spring to wrap mango fruits in an efficient and systematic manner. The tool is capable to solve the problem faced by mango farmers or entrepreneurs during traditionally wrapping process. Previously, the wrapping process is handled manually by using paper wrapper and rope while ladder is sometimes used for tall trees. 30 mango fruits are picked for size sampling. The diameter for the mature mango fruits is within the range of 5.8cm to 7.9cm. The suitable casing size is determined to be 10cm in which 3.1 cm is the tolerance. The tool is designed by using SolidWork 2016. Later, tool fabrication process is carried out including cutting and joining the parts such as steel compression spring, paddle , cable and PVC pipe . The analysis is focused on the compression spring and the maximum force of 45.117N is applied on the pedal to pull the jaws while releasing the rubber band. Meanwhile, the tool is highly efficient and the time for the tool to wrap one mango fruit is 65 seconds compared to 190 seconds by way of traditional method. Significant saving in term of labor workforce is as much as 67% and the ratio of manpower requirements is reduced to 3: 1. Among the factors contributing to the saving are the used of 210cm long pole which eliminate the need of use a ladder. Lastly the tool is lightweight, convenience to use with minimum maintenance

    Alat pencungkil ubi kayu

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    Ubi kayu merupakan makanan tradisi masyarakat Asia Tengara terutamanya di negara Malaysia. Ubi kayu merupakan tanaman yang mudah untuk ditanam dan mengambil masa 9 hingga 12 bulan untuk dituai [1]. Di Malaysia, tanaman ubi kayu secara komersial banyak ditanam di negeri Selangor dan Johor. Berbanding dengan negara Asia lain, hasil pengeluaran ubi kayu di malaysia masih rendah. Bagi memenuhi permintaan pasaran, penanaman ubi kayu semakin meningkat dewasa ini dan telah disenaraikan dalam pasaran komoditi global. Terdapat banyak produk industri yang dihasilkan daripada sumber ubi kayu. Selain produk makanan dan minuman, ibu kayu boleh menghasilkan pelbagai produk seperti kertas, kanji, plastik, tekstile, makanan haiwan, ethanol dan sebagainya